Welcome to a Space for an Authentic, Ethical, Respectful, Collaborative, Ongoing Conversation About all of the Aspects of Health that Fall Outside of Biomarkers, Nutrition etc.

I’ve Been Wanting to Start This for SO Long.

First, a Few Introductory Disclaimers:

-I don’t give medical advice

-I don’t know everything and never pretend to

-We’re not selling courses

-We’re not dogmatic to ANY single camp (carnivore, vegan, etc)

-When it comes to health, life, psychology, I’m an open book, have a question? Just ask!

Everyone Feels It.

There’s more information, more research, more knowledge than ever. But it’s SO much work cutting through the monolithic, ad-driven half-truths etc. Even amongst ourselves, people are TERRIFIED to talk about their own bodies, health, feelings, thoughts, and so much more.

Most of my adult life, and especially the last few years, I have dedicated myself to authentic conversation with sooooo many different kinds of people in regards to many, many, different subjects, concepts, fields of research, art, music, race, religion, history, sexuality, etc etc.

This Page Will Talk About The Following Concepts, to Name a Few (and Many More in the Future):





-Borderline Personality “Disorder”


-Dreams, especially waking sleep paralysis, and all other parasomniac REM sleep disorders

-Sexuality and psychology



-Social Analysis of Genuine Participation / Engagement vs Performative Acknowledgements of all these things

-All Things Myths and Misunderstandings Related to Psychology, Behavior, Etc

-The Historical Progression from Monolithic, 2-Dimensional Diagnostic Protocols (medicine, disease, nutrition, metabolic disorder, and even mental health), to the currently evolving acceptance of mapping out the Hyper-Complex-Spectra of variables that combine to create unique individuals who have individual needs that don’t show up on blood-test-panels.

If you have any questions whatsoever, please don’t hesitate to ask.

I am going to purposely avoid linking any of our products to articles here on this page (unless it’s starkly uncomplicated and productive to do so).

As many people who I’ve met know, I’ve talked about starting a podcast that creates a conversational space around these very concepts, called Holistic Hearth Alaska. I’m still working on it! Hopefully, by the end of this year I will have a studio that’s set up to record at any time. So, want to come have tea, coffee, or a drink and hang out and talk about what health means to you in the context of your life? Even if it’s skateboarding, art, boxing, nutrigenomics, sensory-deprivation-tanks, sound-baths, or pretty much anything, send me a message!


The Truth About SPRING Seasonal Depression (No, You’re not Just Imagining It).